Application Domains
Application Domains

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • Title: Solutions Algorithmiques, Bioinformatiques et Logicielles pour le Séquençage Haut Débit

  • Coordinator: E. Barillot

  • BAMBOO participant(s): V. Lacroix

  • Type: ANR (2012-2015)

  • Web page: Not available


  • Title: Methods for efficient detection and visualization of biological information from non assembled NGS data

  • Coordinator: P. Peterlongo

  • BAMBOO participant(s): V. Lacroix, A. Julien-Lafferière, C. Marchet, G. Sacomoto, M.-F. Sagot, B. Sinaimeri

  • Type: ANR (2013-2016)

  • Web page: http://colibread.inria.fr/


  • Title: Functional annotation of the transcriptome at the exon level

  • Coordinator: D. Auboeuf (Inserm, Lyon)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): V. Lacroix, M.-F. Sagot

  • Type: INSERM Systems Biology Call (2012-2015)

  • Web page: Not available

Effets de l'environnement sur la stabilité des éléments transposables

  • Title: Effets de l'environnement sur la stabilité des éléments transposables

  • Coordinator: C. Vieira

  • BAMBOO participant(s): C. Vieira

  • Type: Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) (2014-2016)

  • Web page: Not available


  • Title: Exploring genomic stability in hybrids

  • Coordinator: C. Vieira

  • BAMBOO participant(s): C. Vieira

  • Type: ANR (2014-2018)

  • Web page: Not available


  • Title: Immune and Metabolic Control in Intracellular Symbiosis of Insects

  • Coordinator: A Heddi

  • BAMBOO participant(s): H. Charles, S. Colella

  • Type: ANR Blanc (2014-2017)

  • Web page: Not available


  • Title: Immunity and Symbiosis in Arthropods

  • Coordinator: D. Bouchon

  • BAMBOO participant(s): F. Vavre

  • Type: ANR Blanc (2010-2014)

  • Web page: Not available

Metagenomics of Bemisia tabaci

  • Title: Metagenomics of Bemisia tabaci symbiotic communities

  • Coordinator: L. Mouton (LBBE, UCBL)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): F. Vavre, M.-F. Sagot

  • Type: Genoscope Project

  • Web page: Not available


  • Title: Evolutionary genetics and mechanisms of plant adaptation in aphids

  • Coordinator: Jean-Christophe Simon (IGEPP, INRA, Rennes)

  • BAMBOO participant(s): H. Charles, S. Colella, Y. Rahbé

  • Type: ANR (2012-2014)

  • Web page: Not available